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IRF Uppsala
RPF programme
IRF-U Staff
PhD studies
Solar Orbiter
Swedish Institute of Space Physics (59°50.272′N, 17°38.786′E)
IRF-U Space Plasma Physics
Sveriges flagga På svenska, tack

Welcome to the research programme

Space Plasma Physics


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NEWS -- see also our page in Swedish

8 Sep 2024: After more than 20 year in space, the first of the four Cluster satellites, with our EFW instrument onboard, re-entered the atmosphere. See ESA web pages.

20 Aug 2024: The ESA Juice spacecraft did it first flyby of Earth, giving our RPWI instrument the opportunity to listen to the sounds of the Earth's magnetosphere. carrying our Radio, Plasma and Waves Instrument (RPWI) and other scientific instruments to investigate the icy moons of Jupiter, for arrival in 2031.

What we have in space

For the moment, we are responsible for or have significant contribution to the following instruments in space:
  • Juice -- ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer mission, launched in 2023 for arrival at Jupiter in 2031, for which we lead the Radio, Plasma and Waves Investigation.
  • Solar Orbiter -- ESAs mission to investigate the Sun at close distance, launched in February 10, 2020. We have provided parts of the RPW instrument to study the electric field in the solar wind close to its source.
  • BepiColombo -- an ESA-JAXA (Europe-Japan) mission to Mercury, where we are responsible for the electronics and probe surfaces for the MEFISTO sensors of the PWI instrument on the magnetospheric orbiter. Launched in October 2018 for arrival at Mercury 2026. More on Bepi and MEFISTO at KTH.
  • 4 x MMS -- NASA's Magnetospheric MultiScale mission, launched March 13, 2015, for which we provided sensor coating and test equipment for the electric field instruments built by the University of New Hampshire and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). More info on the SMART instrument suite for MMS at SwRI.
  • 3 x Swarm -- ESA's three satellites for study of the geomagnetic field, launched in November 22, 2013. We provide instruments to measure the plasma density and temperature in the Earth's ionosphere.
  • Comet Interceptor -- ESA's mission to a comet so new that it may not have been discovered even when we launch in 2029! Together with LPC2E in Orléans and a larger European collaboration we provide instrumentation for investigating the comet plasma environment.
  • M-MATISSE -- the two-spacecraft Mars Magnetosphere ATmosphere Ionosphere and Space-weather SciencE mission ESA is preparing, in competition with two other missions for final selection in 2026. We are developing plasma instrumentation.
  • Plasma Observatory -- ESA's proposed seven-spacecraft mission for understanding of space plasma physics at multiple scales. Still in competition with two other missions for final selection in 2026. We are developing electric field instrumentation.
Our previous instruments in space, no longer operational:
  • Cassini -- launched by NASA in 1997, explored the environment of Saturn 2004-2017, with our Langmuir probe onboard.
  • 4 x Cluster -- our instruments explored Earth's magnetosphere on a flotilla of four ESA spacecraft, 2000-2024
  • Rosetta -- carried our instrument in orbit around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, launched by ESA in 2004, impact landing on the comet 30 September 2016.
  • Smart-1 -- orbited the moon with our Langmuir probes onboard, launched September 2003, impact landing on the moon 3 September 2006
  • Astrid-2 -- the Swedish microsatellite (only 29 kg) carrying our LINDA instrument to the Earth's upper ionosphere 1998-1999
  • Freja -- detailed measurements of the Earth's upper ionosphere 1992-1996, including our wave investigations
  • Viking -- exploring the Earth's magnetosphere 1986-1987 by means of our wave instrument (and of course other instruments as well)
  • Numerous sounding rockets during the sixties, seventies, and eighties.

Who we are

As of 2024, this list is rarely updated. For the latest updated information, please head over to our contact page at:

Senior scientific staff:
  • Mats André, PhD, professor (retd.)
  • David Andrews, PhD, docent -- scientist, M-Matisse lead
  • Jan Bergman, PhD -- scientist, Juice project manager
  • Stephan Buchert, PhD -- scientist, Swarm lead
  • Long Chen, PhD -- postdoc
  • Andrew Dimmock, PhD -- scientist
  • Niklas Edberg, PhD -- scientist, Comet Interceptor lead
  • Anders Eriksson, PhD -- scientist
  • Daniel Graham, PhD -- scientist
  • Yuri Khotyaintsev, PhD, professor -- head of research programme, Plasma Observatory lead
  • Vanina Lanabere, PhD -- postdoc
  • Jinghuan Li, PhD -- postdoc
  • Cecilia Norgren, PhD -- scientist
  • Moa Persson, PhD -- postdoc
  • Louis Richard, PhD -- postdoc
  • Erik Vigren, PhD, docent -- scientist
  • Jan-Erik Wahlund, PhD, docent -- Juice RPWI PI, BepiColombo lead CoI
  • Mengmeng Wang, PhD -- postdoc
  • Emiliya Yordanova, PhD -- scientist
Engineers and computing support:
  • Ilona Benko, software engineer -- Juice
  • Martin Berglund, PhD, research engineer -- electronics
  • Vicki Cripps, research engineer -- PA/QA
  • Jesper Fredriksson, research engineer -- analog electronics
  • Reine Gill, research engineer -- flight s/w, s/c operations
  • Niklas Hällback, research engineer -- mechanics
  • Erik Johansson, PhD, research engineer -- data handling
  • Jan Karlsson, programmer -- data archiving and computer system manager
  • Björn Mårtensson, software engineer -- Juice
  • Thomas Nilsson, research engineer -- data handling
  • Dan Ohlsson, research engineer -- system engineer
  • Walter Puccio, senior research engineer -- electronics
  • Farid Shiva, engineer -- electronics design and manufacturing
PhD students (see also our PhD projects page):
  • Jordi Boldu -- Solar Orbiter
  • Konstantin Kim -- Titan's ionosphere
  • Apostolos Kolokotronis -- Electron acceleration in magnetic reconnection
  • Ida Svenningsson -- Electron heating in turbulent space plasma
  • Jack White -- Electron Energisation by Magnetic Reconnection
MSc and BSc project students:

See our student projects page:

What we do

We investigate what goes on in space using instruments we build ourselves and fly on spacecraft, ground based instruments, computer simulations and plasma theory. Here are some samples of our research:

Sveriges flaggaPå svenska, tack
last modified on Thursday, 30-Jan-2025 09:22:17 CET
last modified on Thursday, 30-Jan-2025 09:22:17 CET