Venus creates an induced magnetosphere from its interaction with the solar wind, consisting
of different regions by various plasma boundaries. The characteristics of this induced magnetosphere are highly dependant on the solar wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
properties and its orientation in particular is influenced by variations in the IMF.
Investigations of the effect that the IMF variations have on the Venusian Induced Magnetosphere can help us understand the interactions of Venus and other unmagnetized planets with
their surrounding.
Historically, Venus has been the target of study of space exploration missions such as the
most recent Venus Express (VEX) (2005-2014) or the preceding Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO)
(1978-1992). It has also been a popular spot for fly-bys for many space missions. But despite
the vast amount of data from measurements that have been collected in the Venusian vicinity,
the events that we are interested in require multiple spacecrafts to combine multi-space measurements. This is why simulations come in as a strong tool to study these interactions.
In this study, we take this simulation-based approach to determine the recovery timescales of
the Venusian induced magnetosphere in response to IMF rotation. Based on a time-dependent
(Latmos Hybrid Simulation, LatHyS) and in-situ measurements from a BepiColombo fly-by
(August 10, 2021) for setting the solar wind conditions and the IMF parameters, we determine
the profile of the magnetospheric response in different areas of the Venusian nightside due to
IMF rotations.
Final report
![[flow chart]](plot.png)
Solar wind plasma propagation downstream from the terminator.